Planning Surveys of the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope and their PTA Implications


The FAST telescope covers 70MHz to 3GHz with a 300 meter effective aperture, which is 2-3 times that of Arecibo. The longest tracking time of FAST is 6 hours. For extended sources, such as HI gas in the local IGM, FAST is expected to be more sensitive than SKA1. Early science results, including two special issues on RAA and SCMPA and one paper on ApJ are being published. A large fraction of the 133 proposals responding to FAST\'s first call are being carried out. Based on these results, we are planning two major surveys, one shallow all-sky and one deep targeted survey. These two surveys have the potential for major discoveries in pulsars, ISM, nearby galaxies, FRBs, exoplanets, etc. I will also discuss here the potential impacts of FAST on PTA studies.


李菂 (国家天文台)


李菂,从事天体物理及空间科学⽅面的研究。国家天⽂台500米⼝径球面射电望远镜(FAST)首席科学家, 获得基⾦委杰出青年基⾦资助,⼊选2017中国海外⼈才交流⼤会全球化智库CCG“ 中国留学⼈员50⼈榜单” 。2017年科学院杰出成就奖主要完成⼈之⼀,2005年获美国国家科学委员会(National Research Council)学者奖(NRC Resident Research Fellow),颁奖信称其“通过国家级竞争遴选,具有杰出科研能⼒” 。2010年美国宇航局杰出团队奖成员。发表国际论⽂过百篇,提出并命名了氢⽓窄线自吸收(HINSA)⽅法,发现星际氧⽓分⼦(第⼆作者)及多种空间新分⼦, 科研成果被《自然》杂志评为亮点,得到《科学美国⼈》、《央视新闻联播》、《⼈民日报》等报导。曾受澳⼤利亚科技部聘请,任澳⼤利亚国家望远镜指导委员会国际委

员,曾任平⽅公里阵(SKA)⽣命摇篮科学⼯作组组长。现任中国科学院⼤装置用户指导委员会成员, 突破基⾦会聆听计划(Breakthrough Listen) 咨询委员。




