Outflows and flares from black hole accretion flows


Black hole accretion flows are accompanied by outflows, including wind and jet. In the first part of my talk, I will talk about wind launched from hot accretion flows, including: 1) why we think wind must exist; 2) the main physical properties such as mass flux and velocity; 3) acceleration mechanism; 4) comparison between jet and wind; and 5) observational evidences. In the second part of my talk, I will focus on the episodic jet and its associated flares. Such kind of phenomena are widely observed in black hole sources such as Sgr A* and M87. In some cases, the ejection speed is measured and some periodicity is found. I will introduce our MHD model for the ejection and flares, which is based on our three dimensional MHD numerical simulations.


袁峰研究员 (中国科学院上海天文台)


袁峰,中科院上海天文台研究员。他1997年于中国科技大学获得博士学位,随后先后赴南京大学、德国马普射电天文研究所、美国哈佛大学、普渡大学等进行博士后研究工作。2005年入选科学院百人计划回国到上海天文台工作,现任上海天文台学术委员会主任、上海天文台副台长。主要研究方向是黑洞吸积理论、活动星系核、星系演化、黑洞双星等。发表论文100余篇,包括在ARA&A上的一篇综述论文。近年来连续入选爱斯维尔高被引学者榜单,在IAU Symposium等国际会议做邀请报告40余次。




2021.12.07 (Tuesday), 10 am
